/* exported Translation */ var Translation = ( function () { return { Activity:{ selectByDateHelp1: 'Find By Date finds tasks by the date selected.', selectByDateHelp2: 'Due/Completed Date:', selectByDateHelp3: 'Tasks which have a DUE DATE (for open or overdue tasks) or a COMPLETED DATE (for completed tasks) within the selected date range.', selectByDateHelp4: 'Created Date:', selectByDateHelp5: 'Tasks which have a CREATED DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were due or completed.', selectByDateHelp6: 'Due Date:', selectByDateHelp7: 'Tasks which have a DUE DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were created or completed.', selectByDateHelp8: 'Completed Date:', selectByDateHelp9: 'Tasks which have a COMPLETED DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were due or created.', }, PipelineDashboard : { alertProblemChangingPipelines: 'There was a problem when trying to change pipelines.', alertProblemChangingStages: 'There was a problem when trying to change stages.', alertDeleteThisOpportunity: 'Are you sure you want to delete this Opportunity? Deleting this Opportunity will delete all the Tasks linked to it.', alertProblemDeletingOpportunity: 'There was a problem trying to delete the Opportunity.', alertDeleteThisItem: 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?', alertProblemDeletingItem: 'There was a problem when trying to delete the item.', alertUnableToEditItem: 'Unable to edit the opportunity item.', alertProblemApplyingFilters: 'There was a problem applying the filters.', }, PipelineMaintenance : { alertDeleteThisPipeline: 'Are you sure you want to delete this pipeline?', messageCannotDeletePipeline: 'Cannot delete a pipeline which has stages assigned to it.', alertDeleteThisStage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this stage?', messageUnableToDeleteStage: 'Unable to delete the stage.', }, Pipeline : { alertProblemDeletingItem: 'There was a problem when trying to delete the item.', alertProblemApplyingFilters: 'There was a problem applying the filters.', selectByDateHelp1: 'Find By Date finds opportunities by the date selected.', selectByDateHelp2: 'Due/Closed Date:', selectByDateHelp3: 'Opportunities which have a DUE DATE (for open opportunities) or a CLOSED DATE (for closed opportunities) within the selected date range.', selectByDateHelp4: 'Created Date:', selectByDateHelp5: 'Opportunities which have a CREATED DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were due or closed.', selectByDateHelp6: 'Due Date:', selectByDateHelp7: 'Opportunities which have a DUE DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were created or closed.', selectByDateHelp8: 'Closed Date:', selectByDateHelp9: 'Opportunities which have a CLOSED DATE within the selected date range regardless of WHEN they were due or created.', opportunityStage: 'Opportunity Stage', prospect: 'Probability %', pipelineRequiredForOpportunity: 'Please create a Pipeline before adding an opportunity.', opportunityAnalysis: 'Opportunity Analysis', }, Selections : { name: 'Name', owner: 'Owner', }, SuperEnquiry : { helpFilterBy1 : 'The ANY of/ALL of option will apply as follows:', helpFilterBy2 : 'For ONE selection category:', helpFilterBy3 : 'When using multiple filter values within ONE category, VECTA will use the OR rule for values specified exactly (i.e. it will return results matching ANY of the filters) and it will use the selected ANY/ALL option for any other filters.', helpFilterBy4 : 'For MULTIPLE selection categories:', helpFilterBy5 : 'When filtering by values from multiple categories, you can select to either:', helpFilterBy6 : '- Return records matching ALL of the filters (i.e. matching A and B and C), which VECTA defaults to use', helpFilterBy7 : 'Or', helpFilterBy8 : '- Return records matching ANY of the filters (i.e. matching any of A or B or C).', helpFilterBy9 : 'For Company or Product UD filters:', helpFilterBy10: 'When using Company or Product UD filters you can select to return records matching ALL of the UD filters or ANY of them.', }, ChooseSelection : { btnOk: 'Ok', btnDelete: 'Delete', btnClose: 'Close', btnCancel: 'Cancel' }, MasterPage : { alertMyContactsCompany : ' The MyContacts company cannot be changed while any group is in edit mode, please click "Save" or "Cancel".', alertOnlyPersonalSelections : 'Only personal selections may be deleted from here.', alertPleaseConfirm : 'Please confirm that you want to delete selection "', alertDelete : '". Delete?', lblNotifications : 'Notifications', }, NewProspect : { btnNext : 'Next', btnPrevious : 'Previous', btnFinish: 'Finish', createProspect: 'Create Prospect' , }, LookupControls : { splashNoMatches : 'No matches found', splashRetrievingAllRecords : 'Retrieving all records may take a long time. Continue?', splashLoading : 'Loading...', alertSelectionsPanelCannotFindItself : 'Selections panel cannot find itself', alertYourSecurityProgramsSettings : 'WARNING: Your security programs/settings are blocking functions', alertTheSelectionIsAlreadyInTheList : 'The selection is already in the list', alertPleaseSelectAnItemFirst : 'Please select an item first', dropDownBeginWith : 'begins with', dropDownContains : 'contains', dropDownEndWith : 'ends with', dropDownMatches : 'matches', dropDownWholePhrase : 'contains word' }, SystemOptions : { closePageWarning : 'If you close this page without saving, your changes since the last save will be lost. Close page?', leavePageWarning : 'If you leave this page without saving, your changes since the last save will be lost. Leave page?', cancelWarning : 'If you continue your changes since the last save will be lost. Continue with cancel?', noChangesSinceLastSave : 'There have been no changes since the last save', noChangesToCancel : 'There are no changes to cancel', noChangesToSave : 'There are no changes to save', youAreAboutToCloseWarning: 'You are about to close this System Options window without saving. Continue if you agree to the loss of these changes or remain here - then choose \'Save\'', startDateMustBeBeforeEndDate: 'Start date must be before end date.', mustBeLessThan10Years: 'Must be less than 10 years.', createDateRange: 'Create Date Range', editDateRange: 'Edit Date Range', removeAreYouSure: 'Removing this Date Range will affect anyone currently using this view and those who have it saved as their default view. Their view will default to \'Last 3 Months\' when their page is refreshed. Do you want to continue?', disableAreYouSure: 'Disabling this Date Range will affect anyone currently using this view and those who have it saved as their default view. Their view will default to \'Last 3 Months\' when their page is refreshed. Do you want to continue?', confirm: 'Confirm', max10: 'You are only allowed a max of 10 custom statuses', createStatus: 'Create Status', editStatus: 'Edit Status', removedExistingUserDefinedSubs: 'This Type is in use and you have removed existing user defined category subscriptions, this will cause data loss. Are you sure?', editTag: 'Edit Label', createTag: 'Create Label' }, UserMaintenance : { titleSendAMessage : 'Send a message', titleSentMessages : 'Sent messages', alertTheUserNameIsAlreadyInUse : 'The User Name is already in use', alertPleaseSelectTheGroupToDelete : 'Please select the group to delete', alertThisWillCreateACopyOfUserGroup1 : 'This will create a copy of User Group ', alertThisWillCreateACopyOfUserGroup2 : ' and copy all assigned favourites and alerts to the new User Group. Is that what you want to do?', alertOptionNotCurrentlyAvailable : 'Option not currently available', alertDeleteUserGroup : 'Delete User Group ', alertPleaseSelectTheUserToDeleteFirst : 'Please select the user to delete first', alertDeleteUser : 'Delete User ', alertPleaseSelectAGroupToEdit : 'Please select a group to edit', alertPleaseSelectASpecificGroupToEdit : 'Please select a specific group to edit (not all)', alertPleaseSelectAGroupToAddNewUser : 'Please select a group to add new user', alertPleaseSelectTheUserToEditFirst : 'Please select the user to edit first', alertAUserGroupMustHaveAName : 'A user group must have a name', alertAUserMustHaveAName : 'A user must have a name', alertAUserMustHaveALoginId : 'A user must have a login id', alertThereMustBeAUserPassword : 'There must be a user password', alertPleaseSelectAUserToSendTheMessageTo : 'Please select a user to send the message to.', alertLoseChangesToUser : 'Lose changes to User?', alertPleaseSelectASpecificGroupToEditNotAll : 'Please select a specific group to edit (not all)', alertPleaseSelectTheUserToAmend : 'Please select the user to amend first', alertUsersWithPrivilege8OrAbove : 'Users with privilege 9 cannot be given user restrictions.', alertTheUserHasNoRestrictionsToGenerate : 'The user has no restrictions to generate', alertFailedToGenerateUserRestrictions : 'Failed to generate user restrictions (', alertThisWillRegenerateAllRestrictions : 'This will regenerate all restrictions and may take some time. Do you wish to continue?', alertUserRestrictionsForAllUsersHasBeenSuccessfullyGenerated : 'User Restrictions for all users has been successfully generated', alertFailedToGenerateAllUserRestrictions : 'Failed to generate all user restrictions (', alertTwoGenerateUserRestrictionsCannotBeRun : 'Two generate user restrictions cannot be run simultaneously', alertYourAreAboutToCloseTheUserMaintenance: 'You are about to close the User Maintenance window without saving. Continue if you agree to the loss of your entry or remain here - then choose \'Save\'', usersWithUserRestrictions: 'Users with User Restrictions cannot be saved as Privilege Level ', warningThisUserHasRestrictions: 'WARNING: This user has restrictions but should not have with their privilege level of ', }, UserRestrictions : { lblWarningYourSecurityPrograms : 'WARNING: Your security programs/settings are blocking functions', lblGroupsContainingOnlyOneItem : 'Groups containing only one item will be resolved to just that item, and the item will no longer be in a group. ', lblEmptyGroupsWillBeDeleted : 'Empty groups will be deleted. ', lblContinue : 'Continue?', lblDoYouWanttoRemoveAllUserRestrictions : 'Do you want to remove all user restrictions for ', lblTheContentsOfThe : 'The contents of the', lblSectionWillBeReplacedWithTheContentsOfThe : 'section will be replaced with the contents of the', lblSectionContinue : 'section. Continue?', lblCopyTheSelected : 'Copy the selected ', lblToThe : ' to the', lblInvalidSelectionTypeOf : 'Invalid selection type of ', lblUserRestrictionsSavedSuccessfully : 'User Restrictions saved successfully', lblTheUserHasNoRestrictions : 'The User has no restrictions (User Restrictions deleted)', lblYouAreAboutToCloseTheUserRestrictions : 'You are about to close the User Restrictions window without saving. Continue if you agree to the loss of these changes or remain here and then choose \'Save\'', invalidUserRestriction: 'The user restriction cannot be saved with CRM restrictions and no SI restrictions.', }, LayoutMaintenance : { areYouSureYouWantToDeleteTheSelectedLayout : 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected layout?', }, Diary : { panelCompanyDetails : 'Company Details', panelNoCompany : 'No Company', panelContactDetails : 'Contact Details', panelNoContact: 'No Contact', taskPartOfThread: 'This task is part of a thread', recurringTask: 'Recurring Task', low: 'Low', high: 'High', all: 'All', SyncWithCalendar: 'Sync With Calendar', SyncsWithCalendar: 'Syncs With Calendar', RemovedFromExternalCalendar: '(Removed from external calendar)', Yes: "Yes", No: "No", lblExchangeCredentialIssueTitle: 'Exchange credentials Issue', lblExchangeCredentialIssueBody: 'Your link to your Exchange Server seems to have changed. Please update your credentials via \'My Account\' in Vecta.', allDay: 'All Day', monthNames: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthNamesShort: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], dayNames: [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], dayNamesShort: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], total: 'Total: ', tasks: ' task(s)', clickToEditThisTaskTitle: 'Click to edit this task', goToSalesTitle: 'Go To Sales', goToCompanyDetails: 'Go To Company Details', goToActivities: 'Go To Activities', youAreRemoving: 'You are removing ', tasksAreYouSure: ' tasks, are you sure?', youMayOnlyDeleteTasksThatAreYourOwn: 'You may only delete tasks that are your own. Please ensure all selected tasks are owned by you.', today: "Today", thisWeek: "This week", thisMonth: "This month", lastWeek: "Last week", lastMonth: "Last month", last3Months: "Last 3 months", last12Months: "Last 12 months", foreverBack: "All History", nextWeek: "Next week", nextMonth: "Next month", next3Months: "Next 3 months", next12Months: "Next 12 months", upcomingTasks: "Upcoming Tasks", olderTasks: "Older Tasks", areYouSure: "Are you sure?", youHaveRemovedTheRecurrence: "You have removed the recurrence series, all Open tasks in this series will therefore be permanently removed.", dueDateChanged1: "You have changed the start date of the recurrence series.", dueDateChanged2: "If you have moved it forward any Open tasks before the new start date will be permanently removed. If you have moved it backwards no tasks will be removed.", changingRecurrencePattern1: "Changing a Recurring Task Series Pattern will close the existing series and start a new one.", changingRecurrencePattern2: "All Tasks in the old series (to date) will remain in the state they are currently in.", changingRecurrencePattern3: "Any future tasks from the old series will be permanently removed.", changingRecurrencePattern4: "A new series will start from the first occurrence of the new pattern.", changingRecurrencePattern5: "It will not be possible to view details of tasks in both the old and new series together in the Recurrence Timeline.", wouldYouLikeToContinue: "Would you like to continue?", ifYouChangedTheEndDate: "Any Open Tasks that fall after your new end date will now be permanently removed.", thisIsOneTaskInASeries: "This is one Task in a series. Which would you like to edit?", openRecurringTask: "Open Recurring Task", justThisOne: "Just this one", entireSeries: "Entire series", first: "First", last: "Last", cancel: "Cancel", dueDate:"Due Date", account:"Account", company:"Company", contact:"Contact", subject:"Subject", activity:"Activity", assignedTo:"Assigned To", modified:"Modified", created:"Created", createdBy:"Created By", status:"Status", completed:"Completed", from: "From", tasksCustomerHistory: "Company Activity", tasksCustomerHistoryDescription: "Last 2 months and next 1 month from task", tasksRecurrence: "Recurrences", tasksRecurrenceDescription: "Recent occurences up to 10, plus the next one", tasksFollowOns: "Follow Ons", tasksFollowOnsDescription: "All tasks in this thread", opportunity: "Opportunity", location: "Location", DiaryCompanyEmail: "Company Email", DiaryContactEmail: "Contact Email", CompanyAddress: "Company Address", ContactAddress: "Contact Address", CompanyPostcode: "Company Postcode", ContactPostcode: "Contact Postcode", CompanyTel: "Company Tel", ContactOfficeTel: "Contact Office Tel", ContactMobileTel: "Contact Mobile Tel", SyncCalendarHelpInfo1: "When Sync is checked, key information from this entry, including \'Comments\' will sync to the External Calendar linked to the assigned user\'s Email address.", SyncCalendarHelpInfo2: "If you later un-sync you can update Vecta as normal and updates will not show in your external Calendar.", SyncCalendarHelpInfo3: "Note: if you later re-sync again, any changes applied in your external calendar will be overwritten by the current Vecta entry.", contactNoEmailAddress: "This contact has no email address.", }, CustomerContext : { addContact: "Add Contact", }, General: { add: 'Add', btnCloseText : 'Close', edit : 'Edit', "delete" : 'Delete', view : 'View', copy : 'Copy', generate : 'Generate', "export": 'Export', help: 'Help', save: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', areYouSure: 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected item?', mustMatch: 'New Passwords Must Match', pleaseSelect: 'Please Select...', noneAvailable: '(None available)', name: 'Name', description: 'Description', owner: 'Owner', assignedTo: 'Assigned To', due: 'Due', dueDate: 'Due Date', closeDate: 'Close Date', createdDate: 'Created Date', modifiedDate: 'Modified Date', completedDate: 'Completed Date', modifiedBy: 'Modified By', expected: 'Expected', weighted: 'Weighted', company: 'Company', contact: 'Contact', pipeline: 'Pipeline', primary: 'Primary', secondary: 'Secondary', status: 'Status', subject: 'Subject', createOpportunity: 'Create Opportunity', searchAnyField: 'Search any field ...', none: '(None)', zeroSelected: '0 selected', showing: 'Showing', includeAll: 'Include All', excludeAll: 'Exclude All', includeColumns: 'Include Columns', excludeColumns: 'Exclude Columns', includedActivityDetails: 'Included Activity Details', excludedActivityDetails: 'Excluded Activity Details', to: 'To', current: 'Current', more: 'More...', less: 'less...', companyCRMCategory: 'Company CRM', confirmDelete: 'Confirm Delete', goTo: 'Go To', goToSales: 'Go To Sales', goToCompanyDetails: 'Go To Company Details', goToActivities: 'Go To Activities', goToOpportunities: 'Go To Opportunities', goToCompany: 'Go To Company', moveTo: 'Move to ', inactive: 'Inactive', DeleteThis1: 'Are you sure you want to delete this ', DeleteThis2: '? Deleting this ', DeleteThis3: ' will delete all the Tasks and Opportunities linked to it', ProblemDeletingThis: 'A problem occurred when attempting to delete this ', activities: 'Activities', opportunities: 'Opportunities', analysis: 'Analysis', }, CommonStrings: { errorHighlightedFields: 'Please check the highlighted field(s)', noneAvailable: 'None Available', }, DashboardActivityHistory: { searchWithinSubjectAndComments: 'Search within Subject and Comments', searchWithinSubject: 'Search within Subject', }, DashboardDocuments: { filename: 'File Name', description: 'Description', dateModified: 'Modified', user: 'User', download: 'Download', getFile: 'Get File', }, Project: { documentRevisions: 'Revisions', documentShowRevisions: 'Show', CSV: 'CSV', ExcelXls: 'Excel (xlsx)', PDF: 'PDF', ReportType: 'Report Type:', ReportTitle: 'Report Title:', AreYouSureDeleteComment: 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?', AreYouSureDeleteWorkItem: 'Are you sure you want to delete this work item?', Stage: 'Stage', Comment: 'Comment', WorkLogged: 'Work Logged', Tag: 'Label' }, Workflow: { transition: 'Transition', warningChangedUdCategories1: 'You have edited Subscribed UD Categories/Analysis Fields. If any categories/fields were removed, you may lose any existing saved values in affected ', warningChangedUdCategories2: '. Would you like to continue saving?', warningChangedAnalysisFields1: 'Translate(Vecta.Portal,LanguageResources.Strings,WarningChangedAnalysisFields1)', }, CustomerFiles: { errorSorryOnlyTheFollowingTypesOfFiles: 'Sorry, only the following types of files can be uploaded:', errorFileEmpty: 'File is empty and cannot be uploaded', }, Dashboard: { valueMustBeGreaterThanAlertGaugeMinimum: 'Value must be greater than alert gauge minimum', noItemsToDisplay: 'No Items to display' }, EditMultipleTasks: { someOfTheSelectedTasks: 'Some of the selected Tasks are part of a recurrence series so will not be moved, please edit these individually. Would you still like to continue?', youHaveNotMadeAnyChanges: 'You have not made any changes.' }, ProductGroupMaintenance: { pipesNotAllowed: 'Pipes(|) are not allowed in the Product Group Code.' }, Enquiry: { showDashboardCompany: 'Show Company', showDashboardSales: 'Show Sales', showCompanyDetails: 'Show Details', showDashboardActivities: 'Show Activities', menuDrillDown: 'Drill Down', ShouldIUseRollingOrFixed: 'Should I use Rolling or Fixed?', RollingAndFixedRangesAreOnlyMeaningfulTermsWhen: 'Rolling and Fixed ranges are only meaningful terms when saving an enquiry. If you only wish to run an enquiry once without saving, either type may be used and should not affect your results.', RollingStartDateAndRollingEndDate: 'Rolling Start Date and Rolling End Date', RollingDatesWillMoveForwardToTheNextPeriodAsRequiredWhen: 'Rolling dates will move forward to the next period as required when used in Favourites, Alerts and Library Items. This enables dates in saved enquiries to remain within a valid range indefinitely.', RollingStartToDate: 'Rolling Start to Date', SameAsAboveTheEndDateWillBeThePeriodThat: 'Same as above. The End date will be the current period in the current year.', FixedStartDateAndFixedEndDate: 'Fixed Start Date and Fixed End Date', FixedDatesWillRemainTheSameUnlessChangedBy: 'Fixed dates will remain the same unless changed by a user. Please note that saving an enquiry with fixed dates may mean it could eventually fall outside of a valid date range after some time.', FixedStartToDate: 'Fixed Start to Date', FixedStartDateWillRemainTheSameUnlessChangedBy: 'Fixed Start date will remain the same unless changed by a user. The End date will be the current period in the current year.', AllOptionsUnderQuickDateSelect: 'All options under \'Preset Date Ranges\':', AllOptionsUnderThisTabAreTreatedAsRolling: 'All options under this tab are treated as rolling, periods will move forward as and when required.', RowsPlusDrilldowns: 'records', Exporting: 'Exporting', FixedStartDateToRollingEndDate: 'Fixed Start Date and Rolling End Date', FixedStartDateToRollingEndDateDescription: 'Fixed Start date will remain the same unless changed by a user. The End date will roll on to the next period as required.' }, Notifications: { ExchangeNotificationsClickToViewAll: ' exchange notifications. Click to view all.', ExportNotificationsClickToViewAll: ' export notifications. Click to view all.', NotificationsClickToViewAll: ' notifications. Click to view all.', lblAlertNotifications: ' alert notifications. Click to view all.', lblMessagesClickToView: ' messages. Click to view all.', btnDismiss: 'Dismiss', btnClose: 'Close', Due: 'Due', lblViewAll: ' Click to view all.', lblYouHave: 'You have ', Notify_titleCompany: 'Company:', dropDown5Minutes: '5 minutes', dropDown10Minutes: '10 minutes', dropDown15Minutes: '15 minutes', dropDown20Minutes: '20 minutes', dropDown30Minutes: '30 minutes', dropDown45Minutes: '45 minutes', dropDown1Hour: '1 hour', dropDown2Hours: '2 hours', dropDown3Hours: '3 hours', dropDown4Hours: '4 hours', dropDown5Hours: '5 hours', dropDown6Hours: '6 hours', dropDown7Hours: '7 hours', dropDown8Hours: '8 hours', dropDown9Hours: '9 hours', dropDown10Hours: '10 hours', dropDown11Hours: '11 hours', dropDown12Hours: '12 hours', dropDown18Hours: '18 hours', dropDown1Day: '1 day', dropDown2Days: '2 days', dropDown3Days: '3 days', dropDown4Days: '4 days', dropDown1Week: '1 week', dropDown2Weeks: '2 weeks' } }; })();